Sunday, November 13, 2011

Podcast interview at PodCamp AZ 2011

This weekend I attended my second PodCamp AZ (known as the "relevent Media Unconference") and presented a session titled: "Educational Apps: How to Make Teachers and Learners Happy". While I don't have a video record of that session, you can see an on-air interview I did with Cj Feierabend and Scott Josephson where we talked about Educational Technology.
Watch live video from laurarebecca on
Here's a link to my Keynote, in case you're interested: PodCampAZ 2011 Laura Rebecca

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Adam Bellow goodness

Remember Adam Bellow, the author of the article I posted a few posts ago (scroll down or click if you forgot)? Here's his presentation from the #140edu 140 Characters Conference:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

17 Signs Your Classroom is Behind the Times

Great post from the SimpleK12 blog. Now is a great time to set new technology goals for next year...See anything familiar on this list?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I've been meaning to post a review of the TEDxNYED conference I attended on March 5, but was waiting for the clips to go live; the speakers were so inspiring that I couldn't post this without giving you an opportunity to hear them for yourselves.

If you ever get the opportunity to attend a TED conference, do it.
You can view the whole program here:
Start with Alan November and work your way from there...

Add to the vibe of engaged attendees and guru presenters was the awe of being 44 floors above Ground Zero, in the throes of reconstruction...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - Better Web Browsing for Kindle 3

I had been following the blog of Laura and Russ (The Path Less Pedaled) and was fascinated to hear them describe how they used Google Maps on their 3G Kindle while completing their west coast bike trip.
This got me thinking about how educators can harness the power of Kindles as a classroom tool, especially when tablets like the iPad are cost-prohibitive. Upon doing a little more research, I discovered Kinstant:

Have any of you used this? Any thoughts? Any ideas on how this can be used by teachers and/or students?